What is Downtime?


What is Downtime?

In the business of financial planning, you get the privilege to meet a lot of amazing people, whether it be employees in your own office or fellow professionals. But the most amazing people we come across in our line of work are more often than not our very own clients – and the longer you\’re in business the more of them you meet, each one having their own unique personality, talent or hobby. At our business, we believe financial planning is personal, so we put a premium on truly getting to know our clients and forming strong relationships. Usually, this results in us learning quite a bit about them; what their passions are, what makes them tick, what they like to do in their downtime. All of this makes our line of work all the more rewarding because it makes our bond with them deeper than just on a client basis. Then, it donned on us. What if we gave the incredible qualities and passions of our clients the recognition they deserve? Why keep them to ourselves, when we can show off just how great they are? That is what inspired us to launch our blog series: Downtime. If you scroll through our blog page, you will notice we already have several posted and should have more to come in the near future, so be sure to check back in regularly!